Ilovemyhair okay? You too? Ohmaigosh thank you hahahaha -.-
Oh mah dairy, someone miss me. Am I dream? Haha lol. Apez speak to me........... I'm So Happy lah macha. Yeahhhh he's say he miss me. Ya Allah, I'm unconscious for a few minute. Hahahaha then he call me talk blablabla. Aku rindu dia balik :( Hahaha okay nak jumpa kau lagi :/ 31 ni aku hang, aku nak jumpa kau kaaaaay. Don't give reason about your girlfriends. I don't care! Bytheway I hate the fact that you ignore me for so long then talk to me like nothing happen*Copyayatdyla:p*. Time you call me, you talk like kita tak pernah jadi pape -.-' It's same like before. Blablabla... Okay act not that story yang aku nak cerita hahahahahaha

Nampak title tu? Nampak kan? Okay bukan pasal tu aku nak cerita. I'm just want to story about.............. when I will get Boypewengs? Huh? So bored ahh single -.- Cerita pasal ni kan, aku teringat dekat Fazli :/ The Kampung Boy. He stay at Merlimau, Melaka. I know him when I was standard 4 or 5 gitu. Yeah, we know through Ika. Ika pun tak tahu mana dia dapat number Ika. Hahaha nvm. Then I take his number from Ika and then aku kacau. Top top couple. Hahaha gila tak meatured time tu ._. Dah malas nak sembang pasal dia. Hohoho~
Ada sorang budak ni, nama dia Faiz. Dulu darjah 5, aku pernah kenakan dia. Haha sakai je, tapi aku kenakan dia, aku yang terkena balik weh :'/ Haha whatever. Then dah lama tak contact, dia add aku kat fb hari tu weh! Eeeee gila muka tak maluu. Memang tak lah aku nak approve kau kan! Bodo. Sekarang kau ingat kau taiko Kp ke? Puuuuui adik kau pun takut dengan aku. Dulu bukan main mengutuk. Masuk sekolah aku, 'HAI NELLY' cewahhh tak malu betul adik beradik ni -.-

When I was stalk your blog,have one statement about him. I'm jelly much. Yeah, you are he's girlfriends but.. Lol abaikan. Yang penting sekarang ni, aku jealous okay? Okay paham? ZzZzZz kenapa dia jadi Bf kau :'( Hm shoo shadd. Haha lol kbye